Search Warrants and Anonymized Technology

Are Fourth Amendment guarantees eroded when law enforcement pursues actors that use anonymized technology? If you use the same tools as bad actors, are you also a bad actor? The answer to one question is in this piece, the other is in your heart (or possible criminal history).

3 mins read

The Proliferation of Facial Recognition Technology

Have you received a government issued photo ID, posted a picture online, or been outdoors since the advent of video surveillance? If you answered “yes,” you are considered a suspect in every crime committed by an unidentified individual, and the government will conduct a search of your person. To learn the degree the preceding statement is hyperbole, read this article.

5 mins read

Drones and Warrantless Searches

Is it constitutional for the government to use a drone to conduct a warrantless search? In 5 minutes you will know the answer to this question and be able to discuss the 4th Amendment with the depth of someone that read three paragraphs about the 4th Amendment.

4 mins read