The Client

I asked for a manicure, not a bacterial infection. It appears I cannot get one without the other. It was out of my hands... my germy, sweaty hands.

1 min read

*The events detailed below occurred before the pandemic.

She coughs.

My nail technician has a cold.

Does she know the skin on her wrist is not as absorbent as facial tissues?

She was already having trouble grasping my hands with all the snot on hers, but now that mine are beginning to sweat due to anxiety (and, I’ll admit, hyperhidrosis), trying to grip my finger is like holding a water wiggler and the eye juice she is adding to the mix is of no assistance.

This is agony.

I have the power in my hands to give others a cold. Unfortunately, that “sugar-honey-ice-tea” Matt* is not around.

I asked for a manicure, not a bacterial infection. It appears I cannot get one without the other. It was out of my hands… my germy, sweaty hands.


*Name was not changed to maintain privacy.